Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sweet Jenna

My beautiful little daughter, Jenna

I've been wanted to start a blog for years.  It seems like so many of my friends have blogs and have said to me 'hey why don't you start a blog?'   I guess I don't have all that much time to blog but I also think that blogs can be such a great place to share your thoughts with family and friends.  So I guess it won't hurt to try to blog.  Seems like a blog is kind of like an online diary...only EVERYONE can read it.  That thought is scary in some ways.   But here are my heart ponderings for better or for worse :)

I've been thinking a lot about my little girl lately.  Hence the picture of her that I first picture on my blog and I have no idea how I did it....let alone how I will ever do it again...and hope that one day she won't kill me when she comes across it.   My daughter is growing up so fast.  She is really excited about the process. Her birthday is on May 29th and she will be eleven years old.  I can't believe it!  Where have all the years flown.   She is always eager to show me or tell me something to prove that the teens years are coming fast.  I keep giving her squishy hugs to try and slow down the growth process.  She assures me that its futile.
I love her enthusaism.  Life is so much fun for her.  She has such a sweet innocence about her.  She just enjoys living her life.  She is adventurous, creative, imaginative and extremely funny. She makes me smile everyday. 

I love you sweet Jenna.  Don't grow up too fast on me.  I'm enjoying this journey too much.  ((hugs))


  1. Well written, so sweet and sentimental!!!

  2. Sweet and beautiful words! I look forward to reading more from you Kimberley!!! :)
