Thursday, May 19, 2011

Honor and Parenting

Sir Tanner--Gallant and honorable Knight-in-training

I've been spending quite a bit of time thinking and pondering parenting.  I have been praying and reading scripture trying to see what I am missing.  It seems that as parents we spend so much energy trying to change our children's behaviour but are we really being successful?  We focus so much on changing the behaviour but we don't focus on heart attitude.   I find myself constantly irritated and angry.  Why can't they do their chores without being asked?  Why do they tease each other?  Will they ever stop fighting?  Why do they grumble and complain?  What am I doing wrong?  UGH!  Hmmm...I wonder if that was a small sample of what God felt with the children of Israel. 
 My children and I have spent much of this year studying Moses.  It has been such an eye opener for me to study this part of the bible so people like Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Gideon, Sampson, Samuel, many things can be learned from each story.  God has been speaking to me this year...He still is but I wanted to journal a bit about what I have learned and am still learning...about parenting and yes, honor.

I have a confession to make.  I suppose if this were an self-help meeting, I would stand up and say "Hi, my name is Kimberley and I'm selfish."  *smile*   One thing i have learned about myself as a parent is I am selfish.  Whew...there i said it.  They say that admitting your sin is half the battle.  Parenting is hard work.  Sometimes all I want to do is sleep in, take a hot bath, read a book or watch TV all day.  But I can't.  I can't even remember the last time I could do any of those things.  Parenting requires sacrifice and selflessness and as parents, we keep going along...although not always with honor.  Sometimes we shout or belittle or in someway injure the spirits of our kids.  Honor speaks a different language.

Honors says that we treat others as special, do more than is expected and have a good attitude.

I have come to realize that its time to change our family dynamic.  I don't simply want my kids to obey and wander off grumbling in their spirits.  I want to reach their hearts.  Honor is the key to doing that.  Honor changes how we think, act and treat others.  When we stop and think that honor is a two way street, suddenly it makes me look at my children in a whole different light.

For a knight in medieval times, duty, honor and loyalty were key to their success.  HONOR.

Honor is the key to parenting.  I FINALLY get it Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Kimberley! So many truths right here! I too have taken a step back..too much to get into here.. but it seems to be working. We too just dont' want our kids to obey.. we want them to KNOW that they are apart of the family - they ARE the family (along with myself, hubby & God).

    Love your writing *hugs*
